Fiance Visa UK

This category allows you to enter the UK if you are the Fiance(e) or Proposed Civil Partner of a British citizen in the UK or a person who is present and settled here. You must intend to get married or register your civil partnership within 6 months of your arrival in the UK, and settle here together afterwards.

It is mandatory to obtain a visa under this category before travelling to the UK. You cannot apply as a Fiance(e) or proposed civil partner from inside the UK. You must meet the following criteria:

  • You are both at least 18 years old
  • You must have met each other in person
  • Your partner must not be related to you in a way that means you could not marry in UK law;
  • Any previous relationship must have permanently broken down;
  • You must be seeking entry to the UK to allow your marriage or civil partnership to take place;
  • Your relationship must be genuine and subsisting;
  • You and your partner must intend to live together permanently in the UK;
  • You meet the financial requirement: an income of at least £18,600. If you are sponsoring a child as well as a spouse/civil partner you will need an income of at least £22,400. For each additional child being sponsored you will need an additional income of £2,400. Cash savings are a permitted source and the amount required will need to be calculated as per individual circumstances
  • There must be adequate accommodation for you and any dependants to live both until you are married/registered civil partnership as well as after marriage/civil partnership has taken place
  • The applicant must meet the English language requirement


You will be given permission to stay in the UK for 6 months during which time your marriage or civil partnership registration should take place. You must not work during this time.

After you have married or registered your civil partnership, you can apply for permission to remain here as the husband, wife or civil partner of a British citizen or settled person. If your application is approved you will be given permission to live and work here for an initial duration of 30 months (2.5 years). A further extension application will be required prior to the expiry of the initial visa, this would be granted for a further 30 months (as long as you continue to meet the requirements), bringing you to a total of 5 years residence in the UK. Once you have completed the 5 year probationary period you will be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK.  Provided that your relationship is subsisting, you are living with your spouse/civil partner in the UK and can continue to meet the financial and accommodation requirements and have enough knowledge of the English language and life in the UK. 


Fiance and Proposed Civil Partner visa applications made on or before 8th July 2012

If you applied to come to the UK as a fiance(e) or proposed civil partner on or before 8 July 2012, the conditions of your stay will not have changed. When you apply to extend your stay as a spouse or civil partner of a British Citizen/settled person in the UK your application will be considered under the rules that applied until 8 July 2012. This means that after you have completed a 2 year probationary period as the spouse or civil partner of British Citizen or settled person, you will be eligible to apply for Settlement in the UK as long as you are still married or civil partners.


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